Leadership Potential Assessment

Leadership Potential Assessment
Leadership Potential Assessment

Are You Fit Lead?

Leadership potential can be assessed by determining if you demonstrate the competencies or effective leadership behaviours needed for a leadership role.

Allow yourself two points for each assertion that you make strongly agree with and 1 point for those you moderately agree with. If you disagree, give yourself 0 points.

__When I make a mistake, I try to do damage control so that no one finds out.

__Sometimes I don’t tell the whole truth to my boss.

__I get frustrated when the legacy mistakes of my predecessors affect my job, so I make sure that everyone knows it happened before my time.

__I am all for hearing the ideas of others, but I believe that the leader needs to have a strong opinion of the way it needs to be and stick with it.

__A leader is a compelling person that should be respected.

__A leader will always have their favourite employees; I strive to be one of the favourites.

__I am a fierce competitor who despises working with more intelligent or more competent people than I am.

__Sometimes, I get overwhelmed with information and ignore new information or changes as it can slow me down.

__I tend to deal with the immediate concerns first and consider the long term implications after things are under control.

__I will share information with others once I’ve had a chance to absorb it fully.

__I overlook challenging situations and wait for them to settle.

__Because writing is not my forte, I make sure that I have people below me that can write my memos, reports and other communication documents.

__I have a temper, and my coworkers are aware of it.

__I frequently cry at work, especially when stressed or frustrated.

__I find performance reviews very difficult as I know my weaknesses; I don’t need others to point them out.

__I am more interested in long term planning and leave the short term planning to others.

__There never seems to be enough behind-the-scenes resources to support my initiatives.

__I set strategic goals for my department first and then see if they mesh with corporate strategic plans.

__The job of the legal and PR departments is to cover my back if I say something inappropriate in public.

__I prefer to make things happen than create a vision or big picture.

Total your score. If you scored:

0-3 = You were born to lead. You are a natural at it. Leadership comes easily to you, and you excel at it. If you are not in a leadership role currently, you may find more career satisfaction if you move into a leadership role. Talk to your boss or supervisor and let them know your interest in a leadership role.

4-9 = You may have leadership potential, but you’ll need to take some leadership training to clearly understand a leader’s role. Read every leadership book you can get your hands on, as it will help you reprogram your thinking and know how you can be more effective as a leader.

Ten or more = You are more of a follower and probably have been criticized for having a bad attitude. Chances are high, you are miserable in your current career, and you can’t see a future for yourself – it is probably time for a significant career shakeup.


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