Professionalism Quiz

Professionalism Quiz
Professionalism Quiz

How Professional Are You?

Do you act professionally on the job? It is essential to act professionally to thrive in business. Take this quiz to see how you demonstrate professionalism at work.

When Meeting Clients

  • Do you wear business-appropriate clothing (i.e. follow the company’s dress code)?
  • Do you shake their hand firmly (not limp or bone-crushing)?
  • Are you on time?
  • Do you refrain from displaying dramatic emotions?

When in a Meeting

  • Do you respect the contributions of others and encourage their dialogue?
  • Do you maintain your posture (not reclined with your feet up)?
  • Do you make enough copies of presentations or handouts?
  • Have you considered the various knowledge and skill levels when creating presentations?
  • Do you share the credit for ideas or meeting project completion targets with your teammates?

During Verbal Communication with Clients

  • Do you listen well and mirror back the information clients provide to understand the message thoroughly?
  • Do you refrain from using slang or overusing words such as “like I went…” or “basically, the problem is that…”?
  • Do you speak clearly, annunciating words?
  • Do you practice assertive communication?
  • Are you able to articulate yourself clearly and succinctly?

When Communicating in Writing

  • Do you proofread your work for spelling and grammatical errors?
  • Do you show respect for the recipient of your email by not discussing emotionally sensitive issues by email?
  • Do you keep emails focused and short while offering enough information to determine a course of action?

In the Lunchroom

  • Do you clean up your mess?
  • Do you eat only the food you’ve put in the fridge?
  • Do you eat displaying good table manners (mouth closed when chewing, not slurping drinks or soup, using utensils correctly, wiping your mouth with a napkin, etc.)

When Speaking with Your Supervisor

  • Do you bring solutions to problems, not just issues?
  • Do you reinforce the positives along with bringing up the negatives?
  • Do you show your respect for their authority?
  • Do you disclose information to them in a timely and relevant way?
  • Are your expectations of them and the job reasonable for someone of your age and experience level?

When a Member of Your Team Has Issues

  • Do you demonstrate respect and offer feedback to their supervisor only if a) you’ve tried to discuss the problem first directly with your workmate or b) you’ve been given permission to do so by the workmate?
  • Do you report matters of unethical behaviour to either your supervisor or your human resources representative?

In General

  • Do you act morally and ethically?
  • Do you stay above the law?
  • Do you remain objective and open to the ideas and opinions of others?
  • Are you sensitive to people of different cultures, lifestyles, religions and knowledge/experience levels?


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